👋🏼 Welcome to SwiftlyRush
Did you attend in-person conferences before the pandemic hit the world? It's getting very clear now that the world is changing for the better and there is a clear opening for conferences to return fully in person.
I am personally a fan of in-person conferences, they bring a certain dynamic that simply can't be recreated online, and I know that the future is more than likely going to be hybrid but in my opinion, the best way to network, absorb the content is to be at the conference.
With that in mind, I would encourage you all to attend an in-person conference at least once in your career as an iOS developer if you can and do reach out to conference organizers because they normally have a system to encourage new people to attend.
So far we have SwiftHeroes set to return in Turin which I will be attending so hopefully I can meet some of you in person. We also have SwiftConf which is set to return in-person in Germany and SwiftLeeds happening in the UK.
I look forward to meeting you all very soon!
🥳 What's New
Loading an Image with AsyncImage() in SwiftUI - SwiftlyRush
This week I have delved back inside SwiftUI and looked at how to download an image from the internet using AsyncImage() API. It's super simple (as you'd expect with SwiftUI) and we build a profile avatar view using this API.
🔥 Community News
SwiftUI Lessons by Federico Zanetello
I actually watched this talk at iOSConfSG, I found it really fascinating listening to Federico's experience transitioning from using UIKit to thinking SwiftUI and some of the lessons learnt during that process.
Redux-like state container in SwiftUI by Swift with Majid
Majid actively writes about using redux style architecture when dealing with state in SwiftUI and I think this article is a super interesting concept to incorporate into your SwiftUI apps.
Krzysztof Zabłocki - Code-Review best practices
Pull Requests are an important part of an engineer's role, and often we don't talk about how to maintain PRs, the best practices and how to avoid "ego cultures". I actually advocate many of these points in my role at Stream so this article from Krzysztof resonates with me very much.
Chris Lattner to leave the Swift Core team
I believe this post by Chris Lattner is essential for you to read and honestly, this kind of toxic environment that is described by Chris sounds horrible and I believe sometimes the only way to avoid this is by walking away. Nevertheless, we can only be so grateful to Chris for his devoted love, dedication and passion for the Swift language.
Xcode 13.3 Beta 3 Release Notes
Xcode 13.3 is closing in and it's so great to see the continued improvements happening. I am watching closely because Swift 5.6 is fast approaching, you can read more about the changes in my article here.