πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Welcome to SwiftlyRush

The organic growing newsletter 🫢🏼

I do enjoy writing this newsletter; it's become part of my life writing down the thoughts from the past week and what's exciting within the community; it forces me to read regular articles from members of the community, but it also means that I can braindump my thoughts on things happening.

I never thought, however, that it would grow quite as well as it has, perhaps it's interesting after all. We now have over 500 people subscribed, and this has all been organically grown, in fact, the only way people find this is either through Twitter, LinkedIn or my website.

However, it really made me smile last week (the week I totally forgot to hit the send button) when I started receiving emails asking "Where is the newsletter" it truly means that people are expecting this to land in their inbox at 12 AM on the dot.

On the 80th edition, I wanted to say Thank You, for reading and engaging with my content, each day I have to pinch myself to make sure this is all real.

Have a great week ahead ❀️

Adam Rush

πŸ”₯ Community News

πŸ’‘ And Finally...

Have you seen that we're starting to release the 17 speakers for SwiftLeeds?

SwiftlyRush Weekly