👋🏼 Welcome to SwiftlyRush

It's crazy to believe that we're heading into the month of August, the height of Summer here in the UK or shall I rename that to the height of rainfall, which it's not stopped for the last 4 weeks, I hope this changes given both my children are now off school for the 6 week holidays.

Nevertheless, I am writing this earlier in the week because today (Friday) I am currently on vacation for a long week away travelling in the UK so I am excited to put the Macbook aside and have a few days enjoying the UK countryside.

As I have always mentioned, making time away to spend with family or friends is super important or even just getting away on your own. I look forward to coming back refreshed and recharged for the weeks ahead.

Have a great week 🚀

Adam Rush

🔥 Community News

💡 And Finally...

Fancy yourself building for Vision Pro? Application for Developer Kits are open

SwiftlyRush Weekly