๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ Welcome to SwiftlyRush

Are you still working from home?

Can you remember the days prior to when the world was shut down to an unknown virus, yes, that's right, COVID-19 was the thing that shook the world, and it feels like generations ago when that happened.

I remember before those days commuting each day to an office from 7 AM to 6 PM, and most of those hours were simply sitting in the car waiting for traffic to get moving, but I loved it; it's all I knew since I was always working in an office from the working age of 17.

I was one of those who would simply discount any kind of working from home, it was the unknown and not something I was happy to ever consider. Wind forward 3 years, and here we are, fully working from home with a company that doesn't even have an office and I love it. My routine is perfected and better so, the company I work for Circuit is completely async, which is even better than simply working from home.

You might be wondering what the message here is, well next week I will be travelling to Lisbon for our annual company onsite, it's the time when all our employees get together for a week and work together in person, do fun activities and really get to know one another, it's my 2nd one working for Circuit and I am very much looking forward to it.

Because, although I love my working-from-home routine, I do often miss those social activities and fun you have working together in real life.

Have a great week ahead

Adam Rush

๐Ÿ”ฅ Community News

๐Ÿ’ก And Finally...

I know I keep saying it, but SwiftLeeds is quickly selling out - are you joining us?

SwiftlyRush Weekly